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Marijuana Lights Up the Wrong Way

Andy Schlafly, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is being attacked on both sides of the aisle for rescinding the Obama policy that opened the floodgates to marijuana addiction.  Funded by libertarian billionaires such as the Koch brothers, pro-pot senators like Cory Gardner are demanding that AG Sessions stand down and continue Obama’s misguided policy. Sessions rescinded

Pro-Trump Forces Are Taking Over The Republican Party, And There Is No Going Back

Michael Snyder, What we are witnessing is something truly remarkable. A civil war for control of the future of the Republican Party is raging, and pro-Trump forces are winning.  In recent weeks, we have seen Senator Jeff Flake and Senator Bob Corker both announce that they will not seek re-election when their terms are over. 

Hannity: ‘What We’re Seeing Now Is Beyond Media Malpractice’

As seen on Hannity, Sean Hannity says the media is so blinded by their “Trump derangement syndrome” that they can never cover President Trump fairly or tell the truth, and that’s extremely dangerous for the country. “What we’re seeing now is beyond media malpractice,” Hannity said. “They’re doing a tremendous disservice to you, the American

Pseudo-Republican Squishes Are Anything but Compassionate

David Limbaugh, It is enormously frustrating that conservatives can’t capture the moral high ground from the phony virtue-signaling factory that is the modern Democratic Party. Conservative policies not only work better but also are morally superior. Democrats depend on cliches and false narratives to obstruct true reform — which includes shaming many Republicans from believing