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After Rejecting Tax Cuts, Liberal Congressmen Looking for Bail Out Before Fall Elections

Brian Darling, Liberal Democrats, panicked over voters’ responses to their anti-tax relief agenda, now want the federal government to subsidize quick political victories for them in November.  The fear is that taxpayers will realize that the Trump tax plan is a tax cut and not a tax hike as Democrats have been saying.  After telling

World Feels Effects Of Trump Tax Cuts As Money Expected To Pour Into US Markets

Jake Lloyd | Infowars, Despite months of lies from the Globalist media, the world prepares for a booming American economy. Despite the Establishment swearing that Trump’s tax cuts will destroy the middle class and kill Americans, the global public is already feeling the bill’s positive effects for American workers. For months all we’ve heard from

President Trump and Republicans make their mark on history with ambitious tax cuts

Matthew Vadum, Congress passed the largest overhaul of the tax system in decades yesterday, handing President Trump his first major legislative victory and clearing the way for strong economic growth likely to provide potentially long-term electoral benefits for Republicans. This historic development is already causing apoplexy and aneurysms on the Left where allowing people to