Archives for

United States

Stop Scaremongering. The Press Is Freer Than It’s Ever Been

David Harsanyi, The Committee to Protect Journalists, a group alleging to promote press freedom and the rights of journalists, gave President Donald Trump the Overall Achievement in Undermining Global Press Freedom Award in its Press Oppressors awards this week. The story was giddily retweeted across the liberal Twitterverse because, one imagines, people actually believe it.

Are You Sick Yet, What is the H3N2 Flu?

This year’s influenza season, dubbed “moderately severe” by health care officials, has hit the United States hard, with the number of recorded cases of the disease in parts of the country up more than 500 percent. Thirteen children have died from the flu since October, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with widespread

Illegal Immigration And Crime

Michael Cutler, The stunning numbers the Left cannot refute. On December 21, 2021 the Department of Justice issued a press release, “Departments of Justice and Homeland Security Release Data on Incarcerated Aliens—94 Percent of All Confirmed Aliens in DOJ Custody Are Unlawfully Present.”   The initial statistic cited in the title of that DOJ press release

America’s Left in the Grip of Insanity

Ben Shapiro, President Trump is unpopular. He’s unpopular because he’s boorish, crude and silly; he’s unpopular because he has a unique capacity to turn winning news cycles into referenda on his use of Twitter. But the United States under President Trump hasn’t seen any serious anti-liberty revanchism. In fact, under Trump, regulations have dropped precipitously;

Tell United Nations Goodbye and Good Riddance

Jeff Crouere, Since 1946, the headquarters of the United Nations has been in United States, with the official headquarters opening in New York City in 1952. For decades, the United States has been a very hospitable host to this ungrateful, hateful collection of diplomats. By 2014, these international visitors had amassed over $16 million in